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浏览:- 发布日期:2016-03-23 10:08:00【


Has led lead tin paste is a synthetic chemical products, on the human body or certain harm, in the use of LED leaded solder paste must be strictly lead solder paste operation method in accordance with led to the job, reduce the harm to the human body, it is best to reduce manual contact with the frequency of these chemical products.


LED lead solder paste inhalation toxicity to human body harm is extremely low, mainly inhibit the brain central nervous, cause dizziness and nausea, if such high concentrations of lead tin paste may lead to loss of consciousness. Direct contact with the skin of the human skin may cause mild skin irritation, rinse with water can be.

LED is harmful to human body solder paste: 300ppm vapor will stimulate the eyes, liquid splashing into the eyes can also cause irritation. If eating LED lead solder paste will lead to a sore throat, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea may be inhaled into the lungs and cause serious damage to lung tissue and lung irritation, chronic death, will dissolve the skin grease, long-term contact may cause dermatitis: main symptoms of irritation, nausea and vomiting, headache, etc..

Based on the above, or to add careful use of LED solder paste, solder paste when LED has started with the method can be used for cleaning hands wet cleaning.


Wet cleaning means: cleaning liquid medium from the workpiece surface pollutant removing liquid and solid pollutants, so that the surface of the workpiece to achieve a certain degree of cleanliness. Wet cleaning including immersion, ultrasonic cleaning, vapor cleaning, electrolytic cleaning and various enhanced cleaning methods such as washing, cleaning, washing, washing and rotation jitter. Wet cleaning is the key.