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2016-03-18 09:36:00 




First, the user must pay attention to a little, that is to be the best preserved of myrtle paste. After using the solder paste, some products have not run out of the best preserved in the refrigerator. We may not know, paste the best storage temperature is 0 to 10 degrees. Normally, the indoor temperature is higher than this value, so put in the refrigerator is a selection of the most appropriate.

If the long-term on the interior, especially in areas of high temperature, so it will affect the quality of the. Once this product deterioration, the effect will become poor. What is more, you need to change a new product, this is very wasteful. Of course, in order to prevent such a problem, suggest to use when you buy the amount of solder paste and Gunther, best up for the first time.

Secondly, if there is no disposable, so remember to put the lid tightened properly and then save. Don't run out of paste, readily put. If the paste in the air exposure, will also affect its quality, when the water is evaporated, it will become hard.

Then, if the solder paste used for welding of stainless steel wire, steel wire shall not be placed on the solder paste that is too long, otherwise it is caused by the oxidation reaction, the welding effect will become worse.

